Locks by Lindy

Hi there, friends! My name is Lindy Wright. I am an Asheville native. So you could call me a unicorn since we natives are so far and few between. I love my hometown and I love having a job where I have come to know so many people from all over! It has been a lifelong dream of mine to be a hairstylist. To now have my own little hair studio, a space where I have complete artistic freedom seems like a fairytale. My goal for your time with me is to give you a personalized service that feels like a mini vacation. A time to treat yourself, relax, and feel like a new person when you leave. Oh, and most importantly your hair will be on point. With my eight years of experience I strive to give you your hair goals while keeping the integrity and health of your hair in tact. At this time I am accepting new clients. I specialize in blonding, balayage, and upstyles as well as being certified in Keratin Complex treatments. Thank you for your interest in Locks By Lindy Studio! I hope to see you soon.

Business Hours

10 AM - 6 PM
10 AM - 6 PM
9 AM - 4 PM

Cancellation Policy

If you fail to make your appointment without a 48 hour notice of cancellation I will charge you 50% of what your service cost was. This must be paid in order to book your next appointment.